Psilocybe Research and Psilocybe Cubensis Research Article 3-Part Series on Psychedelic Therapy

Welcome to the third and final part of our series about special therapy, psilocybe research and psilocybe treatments in the field of amateur microscopy using psilocybe mushroom spores, psilocybe research, and researching psilocybe cubensis mushroom spores and different psychoactive and special compounds in mushrooms – generated through AKA mushroom spores for psilocybe research purposes and also used in some special treatments.

Psychedelic Thearapy and Psychedelic Treatments

In part one of the series you’ll read about our psilocybe mushroom guide and microscopy equipment used for the amateur microscopy hobby, and about mushroom effects to study for anyone with a curious mind interested in psilocybe cubensis research articles.

In part two of the series you learned about Ethnopharmacology and about why studying psilocybe mushroom spores is particularly interesting, what ethnopharmacology is, and some important legal considerations everyone interested in studying spores should fully understand.

Now, in this final installment of the series besides learning more about special-assisted therapy and the current state of psilocybe research, how to identify mature psilocybe mushrooms in the wild and how this relates to the taxonomy of spores, and finally, which psilocybe mushroom spores are best for a beginner to start studying.

Let’s begin with a little more information on psilocybe itself:

The Renaissance of Psilocybe Research in Modern Science and Why it Matters

As we’ve established in this series, only the mycelium and mature fruiting bodies of psilocybe mushrooms contain psilocybe. Spores do not, and that’s why they’re legal in most of the United States. However, amateur microscopists may find it greatly interesting to study this stage of fungal development and also learn that special treatments are used in conjunction with mushroom spores especially in the areas of psilocybe therapeutic research.

Psilocybe Industry – Psychedelics Industry & Medicinal Mushroom Spores

Psychedelic research and psilocybe therapy in the psilocybe industry has become something of a hot topic in a variety of scientific research communities studying mushrooms as medicine with excellent effects and safety on humans especially for the topic of special-assisted psychotherapy.

To understand more about the special compound psilocybe and how mushroom spores researchers (including medical professionals around the world) are hoping that it might someday be a widely accepted treatment for a number of disorders, please read our resource about medicinal mushroom spores.

Medical research and Psilocybin

Researchers have found evidence which strongly suggests that psilocybe may be useful in the treatment of addiction, particularly nicotine, alcohol, and cocaine addiction, as well as for a slew of mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. New potential uses for mushrooms are being discovered and studied all the time.

While most amateur microscopists simply enjoy looking at psilocybe mushroom spores, either for the sheer beauty of their microstructures – yes, they can be quite beautiful! – or to build their taxonomy skills by taking pictures with a microscope camera, there is no doubt about the educational value in seeing the foremost stage of development in the fungi that eventually mature to contain the compound psilocybe.

Many amateur microscopists also enjoy looking for certain traits that a spore has, which in the wild would lead to the development of unique characteristics at maturity. With that in mind, let’s discuss the identification of mature psilocybe mushrooms, and how this information can be useful to an amateur microscopist.

Studying Spores to Look for Traits Indicative of the Unique Characteristics of Mature Fungi

Many brown mushrooms growing from a tree trunk

One of the most enjoyable aspects of amateur microscopy as a hobby, particularly when applied to studying mushroom spores, is that the spores themselves often have individual traits which lead to unique characteristics of mature fungi.

In other words, sometimes the way spores look can have an effect on how the mature mushrooms would look if the spores were given a chance to propagate. For at-home scientists interested in fungal taxonomy, seeing the earliest stages of these features can be fascinating!

What Do Mushrooms Look Like ? Identifying Mushrooms & Penis Envy Mushrooms

While you should never interact with wild psilocybe mushrooms, it can be enjoyable to know how to identify mushrooms. Take a look at our article “what do mushrooms look like” and “how to identify mushrooms” to develop a greater understanding of what some of the most prominent psilocybe mushrooms look like in the wild, about mushroom identification, and about how they share some key characteristics usually but not always.

For example, when their flesh is bruised, most psilocybe mushrooms such as Penis Envy mushrooms will display a dark blue coloration. This is because when psilocybe becomes oxygenated, a chemical reaction occurs that causes the blue color. Some variations of psilocybe mushroom will have a more greenish tint to this coloration.

A close-up photograph of the gills of a mushroom

Some psilocybe mushrooms have a purple veil that protects the gills, some don’t. Some have large, wide caps, while others have caps barely large enough to expose the gills. There are even some varieties of psilocybe mushroom that have long, winding stems, and some that have short, squat stems.

Psilocybe Hallucinogens

These characteristics all have an impact on what the spores look like under a microscope – some amateur microscopists are skilled enough to identify what kind of psilocybe hallucinogens spore they’re looking at by appearance alone!

If you’re just starting out with exotic mushroom spores, you’re probably wondering which strains are best for beginners for the purposes of taxonomy. Let’s discuss that now:

Which Psilocybe Spore Strains Are Best For Amateur Microscopists Just Starting Out?

There is no “right” answer to this question, but the following three strains are extremely popular:

When you order psilocybe mushroom spores from us, you’ll receive a 10ml syringe packed with spores. The spores are suspended in a non-nutrient liquid solution. Also included is a sterile needle to make adding a few drops of the solution to your microscope slides easily.

Want More? There’s Plenty More to Learn at Quality Spores & Special Mushroom Strains

We hope that you’ve had a great time reading this three part series on amateur microscopy. But this isn’t the end! There’s plenty more to learn here at Quality Spores.

Special Mushroom Strains & Can Special Mushrooms Spores Go Bad

Take a look at the many resources on special mushroom strains we’ve prepared for you in the top menu under the heading “Microscopy, Spores & Psilocybe” and be sure sure to learn about Can Special Mushroom Spores Go Bad in our weekly updates and informative mushroom spores blog.