Albino Penis Envy Mushroom Spores


APE Spores

Albino Penis Envy spores are from a hybrid of the Penis Envy strain. It is dense and potent. Albino Penis Envy Mushroom are an advanced category of cubensis spores making research more challenging than using other cubensis strains. It has a very small cap diameter that turn blue at maturity. It has a fat/stunted stem that does not develop like its counterparts. The stem will turn bluish/grey when damaged. At maturity, this mushroom resembles the male reproductive organ.



    A. P. Envy Spores

    A.P Envy Mushroom Spores

    A.P.  Envy spores from our spore syringe microscopy kit includes 10ml of authentic A.P. Envy mushroom spores in a syringe, individually packaged, with a sterile needle included.

    These dense and potent spores are for advanced microscopists or or very adventurous beginners due to difficult propagation, yet present a truly unique microscopy challenge. The results include white aging gills, thick stems and dense body, and small caps with bluish hue that don’t open fully when mature and develop slowly, with a phallic shape, and are well worth the effort due to the beautiful features under the microscope. Minimal quantity of spore reproduction.

    Varietal Hybrid of P.E. and Notorious PF Al Strains

    Al. P. Envy Spore Syringe</h3

    What’s special about the mushroom from the APE spore syringe and Penis Envy strain?

    The Albino Penis Envy strain, otherwise known as APE, is a unique hybrid that grows from a famous similar Penis Envy Spore Syringe. With the properties of the traditional Penis Envy it has a unique “ghost-like” appearance, however, this cubensis spore strain could represent one of the more interesting scientific experiences for examination.

    When discovered in the wild by trained mycologists, Albino Penis Envy as a mature fungi has several interesting properties, perhaps most noteworthy being its very small cap. The caps, thanks to their translucence, turn a deep shade of blue. The stem, with no persistent annulus, is unlike a traditional Penis Envy strain, being stunted and wide. While the name might cause you to giggle, this advanced spore strain is truly no laughing matter!

    Albino Penis Envy Spores Study

    Studying APE spores presents unique insight into the work medical researchers are doing. Studying spores under a microscope and examining spores for microscopy can give at-home scientists and mycologists a unique, up-close look at the work medical researchers are doing the world over with regard to the possible treatment and therapeutic applications. APE spores are legal in most of the USA and do not contain psychoactive substances in the spore state. The special compounds are not present unless the spores are allowed to germinate and grow into maturity with a full fruited body.

    Mushroom Spores For Growing In Cases of Health Challenges. While mushroom research was at a standstill for decades until the mid 1990s, a slow-but-steady resurgence of interest has taken place in the medical community, leading to studies that show a great deal of promise for premium mushroom spores for growing or cultivating, using your own mushroom grow kit. For example, some studies have shown that the compound present from growing Albino PE spores could be a possible therapy for addiction, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and other mood or psychological disturbances, which could be why people study this strain for its efficacy and therapeutic benefits.

    Viable, Study-Ready Albino Penis Envy Spore Syringes And Authentic, Potent Mushroom Strains. One of the biggest concerns amateur microscopists have when buying spores from a spore store online with the different types of mushroom strains is whether or not the vendor or mushroom spore supplier will deliver on their promises, and are the spore syringes laboratory quality? With our years of experience and thousands of satisfied customers and excellent reputation in this industry we guarantee your satisfaction and authenticity of all our mushroom strains online!

    ➢ Other spores in the Advanced spore strain category is our MVP Mushroom Spores which stands for Most Valuable Producer and the ever-popular strains Jedi Mind Fuck and Texas Ghost Mushroom Spores to try out for spores for microscopy research. Please also try our popular RIP Tide strain!

    Quality Spores Premium Spore Syringe Products. Our spore vendor company offers world-class customer service for questions on Albino PE spores or other questions for spore syringes for sale online, whether you’re an advanced microscopist, for taxonomy, or wanting to try a new potent mushroom spore strain!