With the legalization of marijuana happening slowly over time in the US, it’s a possibility that mushrooms might become widely legalized. “Will mushrooms be legalized?” is a complicated question with complicated answers, but we’ll explore both here. 

Some US states and cities have decriminalized or legalized mushroom use and mushroom cultivation. “Are shrooms legal?” and “In what states are mushrooms legal?” are entirely valid questions if you want to try mushrooms for yourself. But before that, let’s go through different mushroom strains so you’re familiar with them. We’ll also talk about some of cubensis effects on brains to add some context to the discussion on whether mushrooms will be legalized.

Rip Tide mushrooms


Of all the different shrooms strains, cubensis is arguably the most popular strain of mushrooms. It has various subtypes, including Golden Teacher, B+, Penis Envy, Jedi Mind Fuck, Luminous Lucies, and Albino Penis Envy. Each substrain has distinct structural and hallucinogenic properties. However, they all contain mushrooms, the main hallucinogenic compound that causes special effects. But what are the cubensis effects on brains?

Cubensis Effects on Brains

Glad you asked! Cubensis’s effects on brains are good and bad, all mostly due to mushrooms. It depends on several factors, which is part of why we still have to ask, “Will mushrooms be legalized?” Let’s explore the effects of mushrooms, both good and bad.

Positive Effects of Mushrooms

Mushroom use alleviates mental and psychological challenges like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and migraines. Mushrooms are hallucinogenic by nature, so these hallucinations can be positive. 

Negative Effects of Mushrooms

On the other hand, there are adverse effects of mushrooms These include bad hallucinations, headaches, confusion, fear, high blood pressure, nausea, and paranoia. 

Still, there haven’t been enough studies to determine if it is beneficial or safe medically. That’s why we still must ask, “Will mushrooms be legalized?” Research can’t currently determine if mushrooms should be legalized. However, some cities and states in the US have either decriminalized or legalized mushrooms or growing personally. It’s a complicated answer to both “Are mushrooms legal?” and “In what states are mushrooms legal?”

Hero Mushroom Spores

Are Shrooms Legal? In What States Are Mushrooms Legal?

So, are shrooms legal? In what states are mushrooms legal? As of 2023, there are several states where mushrooms are decriminalized in certain cities and one state where they’re entirely legal. The five states where mushrooms are decriminalized are Massachusetts, Michigan, Washington, Colorado, Washington D.C., Seattle, and California. What’s important to note is that only certain cities within these states have decriminalized mushrooms in varying degrees. Depending on where you are, it’s essential to look up local law to know precisely what forms of mushrooms are legal.

On the other hand, Oregon recently voted to legalize mushroom use completely. However, this legalization comes with stipulations. Adults over the age of 21 who want to ingest mushrooms need to go to a state-designated center where they can receive mushrooms and take them under supervision. A state-certified facilitator must oversee the recreational use at these state-designated centers for as long as the trips last. Adults can’t buy mushrooms at dispensaries or grow mushrooms themselves. 

While these cities across the country and Oregon either decriminalized or legalized some form of mushroom use, mushrooms remain illegal at a federal level. Decriminalization simply means that it’s a lower-priority offense and has a lesser penalty if the police stop you for carrying mushrooms or growing them. However, because it’s still federally illegal, you risk facing a felony charge if a federal authority stops you. 

The answers to whether or not mushrooms are legalized are complex. However, it’s wise to understand the details of where they’re decriminalized and legalized throughout the country. The legalization of mushrooms is a current and popular topic to discuss, especially as more and more cities are decriminalizing them or considering legalizing them. Supporters argue that mushrooms have various medical benefits, which could be better than traditional pharmaceuticals. Opponents argue that there aren’t currently enough studies, and we don’t completely understand the potential risks of ingesting them. 

There are positive and negative side effects of mushrooms, and it’s hard to determine what kind of experience you’ll have after ingesting it. Legalization hinges on several factors, such as medical expertise and public opinion. However, it seems that more and more people are accepting the potential benefits of mushrooms. Mushrooms could be potent treatments for a range of ailments. It’s difficult to determine if and when they might be legalized nationwide. What do you think? Will mushrooms be legalized?

what do mushrooms need to grow

Studying Shroom Spores With Quality Spores

While growing mushrooms may not be legal near you, you can always study spores from us at Quality Spores, as long as they’re legal where you are. Mushroom spores offer unique properties to study under the microscope. Mushroom spore syringes and spore studies are widely legal, just don’t grow them! Check out our inventory and start your mycology journey today with us at Quality Spores.