Malabar Mushroom Spores (Malabar Coast Cubensis)


Malabar Mushroom Spores

Malabar Coast mushrooms originate off the Malabar Coast in India, the Malabar Coast cubensisis strain produces a dense fruit. Even at full maturity, it’s veil stays attached.  This mushroom strain does not deposit a plethora of spores hence supply will be limited. Quality spores from Malabar coast mushrooms.



    Malabar Mushroom Strain’s Malabar Coast mushroom spore syringe microscopy kit includes 10ml of authentic malabar spores in a syringe, individually packaged, with a sterile needle included.

    Malabar Coast spores are a mushroom strain that originated in Malabar, India. This long coastline runs for over 500 miles along the southwestern coast of India. The ancient Silk Road ran along these shores, looking inland to the Indian jungles – a prime location for mushrooms to grow naturally.

    The Malabar strain is best known for its incredibly exotic appearance, potency, and strong resistance to contamination. Malabar coast mushroom spores are a wonderful addition to any collection since their dark purple spores share an equally unique appearance.

    In Nature, How Do Malabar Coast Mushroom Spores Mature?

    It takes an expert eye and years of experience to properly identify mushrooms in the wild. If you were exploring the western shores of India and you came across mature Malabar Coast mushrooms, you would immediately notice that they have a very distinct look, perhaps unlike anything you’ve seen before.

    In the wild, these mushrooms have nearly flat (plane) caps with unique coloration. The Malabar shrooms caps are cinnamon-colored with circuiting spots of white throughout. The stems are usually quite long at 150mm, and show blue bruising. Taxonomists will want to look for the properties that these spores have, such as their purple color and interesting shape.

    How to Start Studying Malabar Coast Mushroom Spores

    Amateur microscopy is one of the most rewarding hobbies around, because it’s easy to get started, affordable, and yields countless hours of fun and even personal discovery.

    Fortunately, starting out as an amateur microscopist is easy with a great beginner spore strain like the one found in our Malabar Coast spore syringes.

    Why Shop For Authentic Mushroom Spores at Quality Spores

    Our premium spores syringes are always viable, free of contaminants, and packed with spores. Thanks to our exemplary customer service team you can order with confidence and know that you’ll receive your spore syringes promptly. We know that getting the exact strain you ordered is important, because when you’re doing microscopic or taxonomy work, precision is key.

    Our Malabar Coast mushroom spore strain will be ready to study the moment it arrives at your doorstep, and your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you’re just starting out as an amateur microscopist, this strain is recommended for beginner home scientists as it doesn’t present some of the challenges associated with more advanced strains, like APE.

    Malabar Coast cubensis online sales will be declined to Georgia, California, and Idaho and are for taxonomy and microscopy purposes. Malabar Coast mushrooms ate illegal in the USA.